Victorian Vampires
 L' Montagne dissertations 2WJvCGs

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Victorian Vampires
 L' Montagne dissertations 2WJvCGs
AÑO 1842

Nos encontramos en París, Francia, exactamente en la pomposa época victoriana. Las mujeres pasean por las calles luciendo grandes y elaborados peinados, mientras abanican sus rostros y modelan elegantes vestidos que hacen énfasis los importantes rangos sociales que ostentan; los hombres enfundados en trajes las escoltan, los sombreros de copa les ciñen la cabeza.

Todo parece transcurrir de manera normal a los ojos de los humanos; la sociedad está claramente dividida en clases sociales: la alta, la media y la baja. Los prejuicios existen; la época es conservadora a más no poder; las personas con riqueza dominan el país. Pero nadie imagina los seres que se esconden entre las sombras: vampiros, licántropos, cambiaformas, brujos, gitanos. Todos son cazados por la Inquisición liderada por el Papa. Algunos aún creen que sólo son rumores y fantasías; otros, que han tenido la mala fortuna de encontrarse cara a cara con uno de estos seres, han vivido para contar su terrorífica historia y están convencidos de su existencia, del peligro que representa convivir con ellos, rondando por ahí, camuflando su naturaleza, haciéndose pasar por simples mortales, atacando cuando menos uno lo espera.

¿Estás dispuesto a regresar más doscientos años atrás?






Espacios libres: 11/40
Afiliaciones élite: ABIERTAS
Última limpieza: 1/04/24


En Victorian Vampires valoramos la creatividad, es por eso que pedimos respeto por el trabajo ajeno. Todas las imágenes, códigos y textos que pueden apreciarse en el foro han sido exclusivamente editados y creados para utilizarse únicamente en el mismo. Si se llegase a sorprender a una persona, foro, o sitio web, haciendo uso del contenido total o parcial, y sobre todo, sin el permiso de la administración de este foro, nos veremos obligados a reportarlo a las autoridades correspondientes, entre ellas Foro Activo, para que tome cartas en el asunto e impedir el robo de ideas originales, ya que creemos que es una falta de respeto el hacer uso de material ajeno sin haber tenido una previa autorización para ello. Por favor, no plagies, no robes diseños o códigos originales, respeta a los demás.

Así mismo, también exigimos respeto por las creaciones de todos nuestros usuarios, ya sean gráficos, códigos o textos. No robes ideas que les pertenecen a otros, se original. En este foro castigamos el plagio con el baneo definitivo.

Todas las imágenes utilizadas pertenecen a sus respectivos autores y han sido utilizadas y editadas sin fines de lucro. Agradecimientos especiales a: rainris, sambriggs, laesmeralda, viona, evenderthlies, eveferther, sweedies, silent order, lady morgana, iberian Black arts, dezzan, black dante, valentinakallias, admiralj, joelht74, dg2001, saraqrel, gin7ginb, anettfrozen, zemotion, lithiumpicnic, iscarlet, hellwoman, wagner, mjranum-stock, liam-stock, stardust Paramount Pictures, y muy especialmente a Source Code por sus códigos facilitados.

Licencia de Creative Commons
Victorian Vampires by Nigel Quartermane is licensed under a
Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported License.
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L' Montagne dissertations

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Mensaje por Epoch Jue Jul 07, 2016 9:43 pm

About mind and body.

I'm the cup that shines in light. I'm the prince of golden thoughts Who rise the hand that holds the whip. The blade that crops the fields of life, The veil I tear for you to see all the hidden things you can become, it is the lightning that strikes and roars the gift I bring to those who dare. Deception seduces with luxury and the Madman prepares for war. Don't ever stop fighting! The stars will bring you their light. Shine.
Look inside your heart: You'll find a burning star! Fading as it burns, but burning bright!
A queen and her reflection, a door always open, a home, covered. Alone.
(* Alone.)

[20:43:37] Epoch : My mind is ready
[20:43:57] Epoch : My soul awaits
[20:48:47] Epoch : The body is moving
[20:49:09] Epoch : and the spirit is cleaned!
[20:49:57] Epoch : There is no soul without a body
[20:50:38] Epoch : and where there's spirit, there is a mind.
[20:51:15] Epoch : Mind is but a mirror in front of every soul.
[20:52:06] Epoch : spirit is but a part of our bodies.
[20:52:21] Epoch : The electrical part!
[20:52:32] Epoch : And the ethereal part.
[20:52:45] Epoch : (All that regards to memory)
[20:53:14] Epoch : This is what some call "Self"
[20:54:20] Epoch : I call it "M"
[20:54:32] Epoch : As in french: "Aime"
[20:55:05] * Epoch love is all you need
[20:56:16] Epoch : (* I : am)
[20:57:01] Epoch : It's the same, but in just one character.
[20:57:09] Epoch : One Rune:
[20:57:11] Epoch : M

[21:31:36] Epoch : You sell your soul for a handfull of coins
[21:33:09] Epoch : you don't know how much is worth
[21:33:45] Epoch : You threw your body in the pissing well
[21:33:55] Epoch : You do just what they tell you.
[21:34:47] Epoch : Where did you left your spirit? Far behind.
[21:34:58] Epoch : Tell me. Where is your mind?
[21:35:34] Epoch : What the hell are you thinking of?
[21:37:51] Epoch : This person that you fake
[21:38:45] Epoch : the persona you use for shake hands, out there
[21:39:07] Epoch : has taken the best of you.
[21:39:25] Epoch : But what did you leave...
[21:39:43] Epoch : for you to roam, just thene
[21:39:54] Epoch : when you are alone?

[21:40:50] * Epoch a storm is coming. I taste it now on the thin air.

 L' Montagne dissertations EpFr-1
 L' Montagne dissertations U9xxCUW
Cambiante Clase Baja
Cambiante Clase Baja

Mensajes : 574
Fecha de inscripción : 29/08/2010
Localización : Omnipresente

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Mensaje por Epoch Mar Feb 14, 2017 12:48 am

The revolution wasn't televised, so actually never happen for a good thousands of millions. There, on those flat screens the TV gods keep saying that winter is coming, although they are already death. But I am here still praying for rain and tidal waves. And I would watch it all go down. Really would like to flush it all away. But this millenials are all dull, and illuminatis are all shut.  And the anarchist don't even exist! As we are falling down no one's making their moves. Just waiting. Rotting away, ebbing


And I can't imagine: why they wouldn't welcome any change?

Spun like birds on fire right down towards the residence and I took all that I desired, even crooks have to pay the rent. We swam like rats on fire, right down the reservoir, we took all that we could carry but we tried to carry more. And you know it was all wrong. We choked on street tap water well I'm gonna have to try the real thing I took your laugh by the collar and it knew not to swing. Anytime I tried an honest job well the till had a hole and ha-ha We laughed about paying rent because the county jails: they're free. And you know it all went wrong. Deep water, deep water (*senseless denial) I went down like a rag doll (* as you would) "shooken and shy" - I went down like a rat of a child - Lucky me again! I got fed like a fish, full of open smiles. Blue water, deep water (* more senseless denial) I got fed like a fish on the cardboard smiles... Well, it could've been worse than you would ever know. The ocean knock me around like a prized fighter but it would've been worse than you would ever know.

 L' Montagne dissertations EpFr-1
 L' Montagne dissertations U9xxCUW
Cambiante Clase Baja
Cambiante Clase Baja

Mensajes : 574
Fecha de inscripción : 29/08/2010
Localización : Omnipresente

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